Installation, wifi-routers
2014 / 2020
The piece consists of twelve wireless routers. The routers are not connected to anything – all they do is broadcast their own names in a local wireless network. These names, which can be seen in a list of available networks on a smartphone, together form a fragmentary text. The text speculates whether it is possible to decipher the information relayed through the networks through sensing various physical manifestations in the body, but also about the concern about how the electromagnetic radiation may affect the human body. Since the physical dimensions of the work are not visible, the screen becomes a proxy sense organ. Depending on where the work is displayed, other network names will be in the list – it is impossible to contain. There is leakage.
The SSID texts:
att du befinner dig inuti texten
att genom kittlingar, rysningar
du borde oroa dig for
gigahertz, medborgargarden
ilningar, punktvis huvudvark
muntorrhet, magknip, yrsel
natverkets joniserande stralning
problem att fokusera blicken
samhallskroppens arvsanlag
som delar in och delar upp
tyda tecknen, avkoda signalerna
uppblossande eksem, vallningar